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Face Fillers

Facial fillers help to reduce facial wrinkles and restore volume and fullness to the face.

As we age, our face naturally loses subcutaneous fat. The facial muscles then work closer to the skin surface, so that wrinkles become more pronounced.

Apart from aging, other factors that affect wrinkles on the face can be listed as excessive exposure to the sun, genetic factors and lifestyle.

For which conditions can facial fillers be used?

Plumping thin lips,

To remove superficial wrinkles on the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes, nose, upper and lower lip, chin and other areas,

As a supportive treatment for other facial rejuvenation surgeries.

For which conditions can facial fillers not be used?

For some patients, surgeries such as facelift and brow lift may be the best approach. It is important to remember that dermal fillers are temporary treatments for facial rejuvenation and ongoing treatments will be needed for long-lasting results.

Who is suitable for facial fillers?

Anyone who is physically healthy, has realistic expectations and can commit to taking care of skin care is a suitable candidate for Facial Filler.

What is Facial Filler?

The substances in the facial filler contain elements necessary for the production of subcutaneous cells and collagen. However, the most important substance in facial fillers is hyaluronic acid. Facial fillers are applied with an injector, fine needles or thin cannulas, just like Botox. It can be applied to almost every point on the face and lips.

Treatment process

Strategic points on your face are marked as suitable injection sites for the filler. The injection sites are cleaned with an antibacterial agent and local anesthetic cream is applied to the area to minimize pain. The anesthetic cream is effective within 30 minutes. The facial filler material in the injector is injected under the skin. Massage with antibiotic cream immediately after the procedure.

Recovery process

The recovery time varies for each patient and for each filler injected. You can resume most activities immediately, but it is generally recommended to avoid intense physical activity for the first 24-48 hours to minimize swelling and bruising.

Differences between Botox and Facial Fillers

Botox and facial fillers are two different products. Botox is a liquid bacterial toxin. Facial filler is a medical drug containing hyaluronic acid and some elements in gel form. Facial fillers fill deeper wrinkles where Botox falls short.