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Root Canal Treatment


What is Root Canal Treatment?

Dental health is an important part of our overall health. There are various methods to maintain and treat our dental health. One of these methods is "Root Canal Treatment.". Root canal treatment is a procedure that involves treating damaged or infected pulp (nerve and blood tissue) inside the tooth. This treatment offers a solution to restore the tooth's health without extraction.

How is Root Canal Treatment Applied?

Root canal treatment generally consists of several stages. Firstly, the dentist cleans the infected pulp and fills the tooth root canals with a special material. Then, the tooth is usually sealed with a filling or crown.

Who is it Suitable For?

Root canal treatment is recommended for individuals who have problems or infections in the internal structure of the tooth. People experiencing symptoms such as toothache, gum inflammation, or sensitivity may be candidates for root canal treatment.

Advantages and Precautions

Root canal treatment is an effective way to preserve your natural teeth without extraction. However, for the treatment to be successful, the patient must follow the dentist's recommendations and maintain regular dental care.

Important Tips for Dental Health

Fluoride applications are an effective method to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay.

Proper tooth brushing techniques are essential for maintaining dental health. Remember to learn the correct brushing method from your dentist.

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are critical for early detection and treatment of potential issues. Don't forget to visit your dentist at least once a year.